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Grassroots Assistant Bot


Why do you need it

Imagine, you already have a Telegram group (or want to create) and you need to share it with people not far from you which you might not even know.

Another case: you are interested in groups within a geolocation radius (telegram private groups which are announced by someone). This Bot can help you with it.

How It Works

First, type /start in Bot and share your location. This location helps to search groups for you or to announce your own group.

If you want to search groups nearby, you can type /list {radius} and optionally define search radius as a parameter.

If the search is successfull, you can request to join the group: /join {group}. Group admins will be notified about your join request.

Maybe, you want to link your group to a location and announce it to the World. Please, use command with parameters: /link {group_name} {group_description}.


The group has outdated and you want to hide it from others? You can do it using /delete_link {group}.